
Friday, February 15, 2013

Oh How I LOVED "Love Your Body Week"!

So, this week my posts are more about what is going on in my life, and on my college campus.  I apologize if you are looking for more recipes or fun workouts, I promise those will be back soon! These are all resources you can use as well though!

So "Love Your Body Week" has come to a close on campus! And I had so much fun! Tuesday night Chris Blackburn came and spoke! (Check him out here,  The Residence Director at the house I live in knows him, so we spoke with him after.  It was a lot of fun! (Photo below). He talked about his time on the "Biggest Loser" and how he went from being winded trying to walk across a room, to now running olympic length marathons....IMPRESSIVE huh?

Wednesday night the Love Your Body Week committee showed the movie "Thin".  The movie follows four women through their treatment at the Renfrew Treatment facility in Florida.  A group of my friends and I went. It is a really unique movie because unlike other films of its type (about eating disorders) it shows their battles before, during and after, and it gives post treatment information on the patients.   You also see real time vitals-checks, community meetings, family meetings, and social time.

My friends and I with Chris Blackburn
I'm so glad that my campus had this program and that I got to be a part of it.  Being aware of the signs of someone with an eating disorder, or if your own eating patterns are becoming disordered or problematic is the only way to help those who need it most.  An eating disorder isn't something that someone just wakes up with one day.  It is something that is festering for months or years.  The patterns are not concrete or the same for every person.  So knowledge is the best power for us to carry.

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